Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sony Vaio Commercial

Sony Vaio Commercial

Iklan Serem Kenwood

Orang yang sudah mati saja masih bisa hidup ha3...

Matador Ngamuk

seru juga nih bukan bantengnya yang ngamuk malah matadornya yang ngamuk ...

Ngibulin Anak Kecil

Mumpung anak kecil dikibulin saja deh he3...

Iklan Susu di Jepang Banned Commercial

Iklan Susu di Jepang Banned Commercial

Wedding Ring

Repotnya nyopot cincin kawin he3...

You are on TV

Ketangkep basah di TV deh he3...

Hati-hati Turun dari Taxi

Buat Ibu-ibu/mbak-mbak hati-hati kalo turun dari Taxi...

Tabasco - Banned Commercial

Tabasco - Banned Commercial

Powerfull Handphone

Ingin punya handphone yang powerful??

Akibat bermesraan di dapur

Hati-hati kalo bermesraan di dapur bahaya lho...

Seberapa besar cinta Anda ke Pacar

Apa bener begini cara menunjukkan cinta kita ke pacar?

How to Fold T-Shirt

Cara termudah untuk melipat T-Shirt...

How to get a man to clean the house

How to get a man to clean the house ha3....

Kuda Jagoan

Bener-bener kuda yang lihai dan jago he3...


Bagaimana cara menghipnotis binatang, simak video berikut ini:


Ternyata pesenam dapat melakukan kesalahan juga he3...

Sexy Gum

Permen karet yang bikin pemiliknya jadi sexy euy...

Heart Attack

Selalu ada jalan untuk mengatasi serangan jantung

Hard To Be A Model

susahnya jadi seorang model

Gara-gara Nonton Bola

Terlalu semangat nonton sepakbola akibatnya bisa fatal


Nasib sial sang fotografer

Insect Skills

Sebuah pertunjukkan yang menampilkan keterampilan serangga...

Pintu Ajaib

Ada-ada saja pintu ini, masuknya dengan cara yang unik

Top 11 security threats for 2008

McAfee Incorporation has released its top ten predictions for security threats in 2008. Researchers at McAfee Avert Labs expect an increase in Web dangers and threats targeting Microsoft Corporation Windows Vista operating system, among other new or increased threats. At the same time ad-serving software known as adware is expected to continue to decrease.

"Threats are increasingly moving to the Web and migrating to newer technologies such as VoIP and instant messaging," said Jeff Green, senior vice president of McAfee Avert Labs and product development. "Professional and organised criminals continue to drive a lot of the malicious activity. As they become increasingly sophisticated, it is more important than ever to be aware and secure when traversing the Web."

Web 2.0
With a handful of high-profile prosecutions of bot herders in 2007, criminals will be seeking better ways to cover their tracks. The Storm Worm set a worrying precedent. Also known as Nuwar, the Storm Worm has been the most versatile malware on record.

The creators released thousands of variants and changed coding techniques, infection methods and social engineering schemes far more than any other threat in history.

Storm created the largest peer-to-peer botnet ever. McAfee expects others will ride the coattails of that questionable success, pushing up the number of PCs turned into bots. Bots are computer programmes that give cyber crooks full control over PCs. Bot programmes typically get installed surreptitiously on the PCs of unknowing computer users.

Instant malware
The scenario of a "flash" worm via instant messaging applications has been foreshadowed for years. This threat could reach millions of users around the globe in a matter of seconds. There has been malware that spreads via IM, but we have yet to see such a self-executing threat. However, this may be closer than ever as the number of vulnerabilities in popular instant messaging applications more than doubled in 2007 compared to 2006.

More importantly, there were 10 high-severity risks in 2007, compared to none in 2006. Additionally, the top IM virus families of 2005 and 2006 were replaced with new active threats, signifying an out with the old and in with the new milestone. Skype saw its first batch of worms in 2007. Many more are expected to follow.

Online gaming
The threat to virtual economies is outpacing the growth of the threat to the real economy. As virtual objects continue to gain real value, more attackers will look to capitalise on this.

The evidence is already there. The number of password-stealing Trojans that targeted online games in 2007 grew faster than the number of Trojans that target banks.

In 2008, Windows Vista is set to gain additional market share and cross the 10 per cent barrier. The release of Service Pack 1 for Vista is also likely to accelerate the adoption of the Microsoft operating system. As Vista becomes more prevalent, attackers and malware authors will start in earnest to explore ways to circumvent the operating system's defenses. There were 19 Vista vulnerabilities reported since its release earlier this year. We can expect a lot more Vista vulnerabilities to be reported in 2008.

The government crackdown against purveyors of ad-serving software has had a positive effect. The combination of lawsuits, better defenses, and the negative connotation associated with this form of advertising helped start the decline of adware in 2006.

This trend was confirmed in 2007 and with the major players out of the game, adware is expected to continue its decline in 2008.

Cybercrooks will increasingly target smaller, less-popular sites with data-thieving phishing scams. It has become tougher and riskier to target top-tier sites as the big-name brands are responding more quickly and providing increased security.
Knowing that a large percentage of people reuse their usernames and passwords, less popular sites are likely to be targeted more frequently than before, giving criminals the same access.

Parasitic crimeware
Parasitic infectors are viruses that modify existing files on a disk, injecting code into the file where it resides. While crimeware was storming ahead in recent years, parasitic malware faded to the background. In 2007 several crimeware authors turned old school to deliver threats like Grum, Virut, and Almanahe; parasitic viruses with a monetary mission.

The number of variants of an older parasitic threat, Philis, grew by more than 400 per cent, while over 400 variants of a newcomer, Fujacks, were catalogued. We expect a continued interest in parasitics from the crimeware community, with overall parasitic malware expected to grow by 20 per cent in 2008.

Security vendors will embrace virtualisation to create new, more resilient defenses. Today's complex threats will be easily defeated, but researchers, professional hackers, and malware authors will begin looking at ways to circumvent the new defensive technology, continuing the classic game of cat and mouse.

Already this year, more than double the number of security vulnerabilities have been reported in Voice over IP (Internet Protocol) applications, compared to all of 2006. We have also seen several high-profile "Vishing" attacks and a "phreaking" conviction.

It is clear that VoIP threats have arrived and there's no sign of a slow down. The technology is still new and defence strategies are lagging. McAfee expects a 50 per cent increase in VoIP-related threats in 2008.

With a handful of high-profile prosecutions of bot herders in 2007, criminals will be seeking better ways to cover their tracks. The Storm Worm set a worrying precedent. Also known as Nuwar, the Storm Worm has been the most versatile malware on record.

The creators released thousands of variants and changed coding techniques, infection methods and social engineering schemes far more than any other threat in history.

Storm created the largest peer-to-peer botnet ever. McAfee expects others will ride the coattails of that questionable success, pushing up the number of PCs turned into bots. Bots are computer programmes that give cyber crooks full control over PCs. Bot programmes typically get installed surreptitiously on the PCs of unknowing computer users.

More article at

Don't Smoke Here

Another dangerous of smoking ...

Don't Smoke

Smoking is very dangerous ...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hari yang sial

bener-bener hari yang sial deh

Wawancara Pamela Anderson

ha3... sampe dibenerin temannya deh ...

Paris Hilton Banned Commercial

Iklan sexy Paris Hilton

Awas ada yang ngintip

Hati-hati kalo berantem kali saja ada yang ngintip ...


Sudah tua saja masih usaha terus he3...


Sengaja kepleset nggak yah? He3...

Iklan Pepsi versi Sumo

Berikut ini iklan Pepsi versi Sumo

Keinginan Sang Bayi

Kenali keinginan buah hati Anda ...

Jangan Main Curiga

Hati-hati jangan terlalu curiga ke orang lain...

Victoria's Secret Sexy Ads

Iklan sexy dari Victoria's Secret

The Cat

Kreasi segitiga pengaman baru buat pria he3..

Woman Secret

Jangan mudah tertipu oleh kemolekan body cewek he3...


Aksi keboleh sang wonderwoman...


Lagi serong ketahuan he3...

Iklan Vodafone

Iklan lucu Vodafone yang kereennnn....

Efek Teknologi 3G

Akibat teknologi 3G, jangan mudah percaya dong he3...

Iklan Durex

Iklan kondom Durex he3...

Resiko Istri Pesepakbola

Resiko jadi istri pemain sepakbola

Iklan GoDaddy

Terlalu semangat nih...

Jangan menuduh sembarangan

Jangan main tuduh dulu ke seseorang ....

Gara-gara Kaos Kaki

Kalo mau ngedeketin cewek mesti periksa dulu deh kaos kakinya he3...

Cement Mixer

Cement Mixer ....

Iklan Kasino

Iklan Kasino di Vegas ...

Cara baru pake Bra

Ini dia cara baru pake bra he3....

Wanita Jagoan

Makanya jangan remehin cewek, beginilah akibatnya he3...

Iseng yang Berbahaya

Terjadi di Rusia karena iseng berujung maut

Calon Ratu Spanyol

Kasihan banget deh calon Ratu Spanyol.. gara-gara angin sih ...


Terlalu cemburu bahaya lho ...

Efek minum Beer

Begini akibatnya kalo minum Beer...

Super Boob

Gile bener, beneran kagak yah ....

Sok Macho

Begini nih akibatnya kalo pura-pura macho he3...

Banned Commercial

Iklan yang dilarang nggak sengaja kelihatan deh he3...

Cowok PeDe

He3… cowok ya gini kalo ada cewek cakep yang ngomong langsung nyambung…


Iklan Electrolux

Iklan Electrolux yang sadis :)

Makna Lagu ABC

Ini dia Lagu ABC yang sebenernya he3… :D

Akibat Mata Jelalatan

Kalo jalan mata jangan jelalatan dong, he3…

African Ad

African Ad yang lucu juga ...

Iklan Pepsi

Nih dia Iklan Pepsi yang lucu juga...

Iklan Axe

Seru juga nih iklannya

Bayi Nakal

Masih bayi saja sudah nakal he3...

Cara Memperlakukan Boss

Begini nih seharusnya memperlakukakn bos he3...

Cemburu Buta

Kalau terlalu cemburu he3…

Korea Leader

Kalo pidatonya terlalu semangat ya kaya gini...

Awas Ular

Hati-hati kalo lagi ngobrol tahu-tahu ada ular nyasar...

Lagi Pingin



Inilah akibatnya kalo suka nertawain orang yang celaka...

Mobil Kue

Mobil yang eunnakkk dimakan nih…

Hati-hati kalo minum Yoghurt

Hati-hati lho nanti kalo minum Yoghurt di mobil nanti dikirain lagi ngapain he3…

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sony Digital Camera Commercial

Buat hiburan dulu biar kerja nggak stress…

Moto 3G

Daripada pusing mikirin kerjaan terus lihat video lucu saja deh...

Hati-hati Tertipu

He3… hati-hati yah buat cowok… awas tertipu

Tennis Kid

Bener2 luar biasa nih anak, jago banget main Tennisnya..

Iklan Pepsi versi Manchester United

Kalo bintang MU lagi bintangin iklan nih …

Pembuka Botol

Lucu juga iklannya